Friday, May 27, 2011

Twitter Celebrates Hiring Of 300th Full-Time Employee

Any Twitter historians out there may want to mark today on their calendars as a milestone of sorts.  This afternoon, the company announced that it's hired its 300th full-time employee.

To provide a rough timeline documenting Twitter's growth: it supposedly had 22 employees at the start of 2009, 110 at the start of 2010, 140 as of February 14th, and 205 as of June 4th.

Please note that we emphasize the words "rough" and "supposedly" here - there's been some confusion about the full-time/part-time split - but the company's execs have in any event allowed themselves to be quoted on these numbers.

Now it seems certain that Twitter's hit the 300-employee mark, too, and judging from the call for people to "JoinTheFlock," the company's still hiring.

These details may signal that Twitter's quite healthy and probably far from needing another round of funding.  Or they could hint that it's healthy and knows it has more cash on the way.

Feel free to place your bets in the comments section.  Regardless, things are looking good for Twitter right now.

Source :

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